Dove siamo
Casa Appennino è nel bellissimo paesino nel comune di Villa Minozzo, Reggio Emilia. Nel Parco Nazionale della Gigante, nel parco Tuscana Emiliano.
Mt Cusna e La Pietra di Bismantova sono posti importanti e sono disegnato Patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO per la straordinaria bellezza naturale della zona (Riserva della Biosfera)
Emilia Romagna (in violet on the map) borders Tuscany in the north of Italy and is known as the bread basket of Italy mainly because of the massive food production around the Po Valley.
In the map to the left which is the region of Emilia Romagna, you will see that Reggio nell- Emilia is near the centre. Reggio itself is a lovely city and has high speed train stations where you can go to Florence, Pisa, Venice, Rome etc in 1 - 2 hours.
And here in the mountains of Reggio nell' Emilia, it is referred to as 'the Heart of Italy' because of the friendliness of the people. It is relatively unknown and because of this it is unspoiled by tourism. We feel that this is the 'real' Italy.